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时间2016-04-02 13:53:16

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1. The increase in numbers of married women employed outside the home in the twentieth century had less to do with the mechanization of house work and an increase in leisure time for these women than it did with their own economic necessity and with high marriage rates that shrank the available pool of single women workers, previously, in many cases, the only women employers would hire.

【词汇突破】 have to do with... 与……有关

Economic necessity 经济需求

pool of single women workers 单身女工的资源

high marriage rates 高结婚率

【主干识别】A had less to do with B and C than A did with D and E. 与其说A与BC 有关,还不如说与DE有关。


2. Our dreams are the internal powerful engine and the compass that may enable us to bring up our potential glowing capacity and to guide ourselves into the future.





The same dramatic technological changes that have provided marketers with more (and more diverse) communications choices have also increased the risk that passionate consumers will voice their opinions in quicker, more visible, and much more damaging ways.

【词汇突破】dramatic 巨大的

Passionate 情绪激动的

【句子切分】1. The same dramatic technological changes have provided marketers with more (and more diverse) communications choices(定语从句that=the same dramatic technological changes)

2. The same dramatic technological changes have also increased the risk.(主句)

3. Passionate consumers will voice their opinions in quicker, more visible, and much more damaging ways.(同位语从句)

【译文赏析】剧烈的技术变革使营销人员获得了数量更多、种类更广的沟通选择,但 同时也带来了更高的风险,因为激动的消费者能够以更迅速、更明显、 更有害的方式来表达他们的意见。

3. The overall result has been to make entrance to professional geological journals harder for amateurs, a result that has been reinforced by the widespread introduction of refereeing, first by national journals in the 19th century and then by several local geological journals in the 20th century.

【词汇突破】reinforced 加强

introduction 引入和制定

refereeing 推荐制度

journal 期刊

【主干识别】The overall result has been to make entrance to professional geological journals harder for amateurs 主系表结构。


4. Odd though it sounds, cosmic inflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary-particle physics, and many astrophysicists have been convinced for the better part of a decade that it is true.

【主干识别】并列句一cosmic inflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary-particle physics

并列句二many astrophysicists have been convinced that it is true

【词汇突破】cosmic inflation 宇宙膨胀说

scientifically plausible consequence 科学上可信的推论

respected idea 公认的理论

in elementary-particle physics 基本粒子物理学

convinced 相信

for the better part of a decade 七八年来


5. Investors and companies are still jittery. Those worried that a new internet bubble pumped up by wild dreams and unabashed greed is now deflating will be watching closely to see whether tech firm’s latest results give further cause for alarm.

【词汇突破】jittery 小心谨慎

Internet bubble 互联网泡沫

unabashed greed 不知廉耻的贪婪


alarm警报;恐慌 例:There is no cause for alarm.不必惊慌。

techfirm 科技公司

【译文赏析】投资者和公司依然紧张不安,小心谨慎。有些人担心由狂野的梦想和不知廉耻的贪婪所催生(pumped up)的新的互联网泡沫正在破裂;他们将更紧密地观察以确定科技公司最近的表现(results)是否会引发进一步的恐慌。





